17 research outputs found

    Common controls driven conceptual leadership framework

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    The forthcoming social welfare and healthcare reform in Finland with its organizational, financing and steering changes challenges the leadership. All service systems levels of the social welfare and healthcare have to achieve performance objectives whilst at the same time also meeting conformance requirements. However, there are hundreds authority documents (e.g., best practices, guidelines, regulations and standards) the common controls of which are adapted partly manually and partly by leveraging automation in organizations. Leaders review and develop their practices around performance and conformity (i.e., conformance or compliance) within frameworks that are mainly the sets of principles. However, the common controls affect into the main tasks of the governance (i.e., direct, evaluate and monitor). Therefore, we construct a conceptual leadership framework to highlight the meaning of the common controls and the meaning of criteria for performance and conformity. The constructed framework contains the terms (e.g., a control objective, decision criteria, event, insight, and transaction) that are mainly defined in the glossaries of the authority documents. The terms are used to find out terms and definitions for the leadership framework to figure out cognitive meanings for the concepts of the common controls driven leadership

    Early DNA methylation changes in children developing beta cell autoimmunity at a young age

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    Aims/hypothesis Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease of complex aetiology, including a potential role for epigenetic regulation. Previous epigenomic studies focused mainly on clinically diagnosed individuals. The aim of the study was to assess early DNA methylation changes associated with type 1 diabetes already before the diagnosis or even before the appearance of autoantibodies. Methods Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) was applied to study DNA methylation in purified CD4(+) T cell, CD8(+) T cell and CD4(-)CD8(-) cell fractions of 226 peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples longitudinally collected from seven type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control individuals matched for age, sex, HLA risk and place of birth. We also explored correlations between DNA methylation and gene expression using RNA sequencing data from the same samples. Technical validation of RRBS results was performed using pyrosequencing. Results We identified 79, 56 and 45 differentially methylated regions in CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells and CD4-CD8- cell fractions, respectively, between type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control participants. The analysis of pre-seroconversion samples identified DNA methylation signatures at the very early stage of disease, including differential methylation at the promoter of IRF5 in CD4(+) T cells. Further, we validated RRBS results using pyrosequencing at the following CpG sites: chr19:18118304 in the promoter of ARRDC2; chr21:47307815 in the intron of PCBP3; and chr14:81128398 in the intergenic region near TRAF3 in CD4(+) T cells. Conclusions/interpretation These preliminary results provide novel insights into cell type-specific differential epigenetic regulation of genes, which may contribute to type 1 diabetes pathogenesis at the very early stage of disease development. Should these findings be validated, they may serve as a potential signature useful for disease prediction and management.Peer reviewe

    Digitaalisten palvelujen vaikutukset sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa

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    Selvityksen tavoitteena oli luoda ajantasainen kuva digipalvelujen vaikutuksista sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa eri toimijoiden näkökulmista. Digipalveluja hyödynnetään etenkin terveydenhuollossa, erityisesti avosairaanhoidossa asiakaspolun eri vaiheissa. Myös kotihoidossa digipalveluita hyödynnetään runsaasti. Muissa sosiaalihuollon palveluissa digipalveluja havaittiin vähemmän, erityisesti vammais- ja hoivapalveluissa. Sosiaalihuollon digipalvelut ovat myös enemmän pistemäisiä; sähköisiä hakemuksia ja lomakkeita. Digipalvelujen käyttäjät ovat pääosin tyytyväisiä palveluihin. Asiakkaille kriittistä on digipalvelujen saavutettavuus ja integraatio, etenkin jos henkilöllä on useita pitkäaikaisia sairauksia, vammoja tai toiminnanvajausta. Ammattilaisten kokemukset digipalveluista ovat osin positiivisia, mutta huolia työmäärän lisääntymisestä esiintyy. Käyttöönotoissa tulisi tehdä enemmän työtä digipalvelujen viimekätisten hyötyjen ja vaikutusten saavuttamiseksi. Palvelujärjestelmän johto kokee, että digipalvelujen vaikutusten ja vaikuttavuuden arviointia tulisi lisätä, mutta mittaaminen on haasteellista. Yksi ratkaisu on sitoa mittaaminen voimakkaammin tavoitteisiin, mikä edellyttäisi selkeämpää tavoiteasetantaa. Digipalvelujen vaikuttavuus ei juurikaan näy lainsäädännössä, ja lainsäädännössä on useita kehittämistarpeita. Lain tulkinnat aiheuttavat haasteita digipalvelujen käytölle.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Early DNA methylation changes in children developing beta cell autoimmunity at a young age

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    Aims/hypothesis Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease of complex aetiology, including a potential role for epigenetic regulation. Previous epigenomic studies focused mainly on clinically diagnosed individuals. The aim of the study was to assess early DNA methylation changes associated with type 1 diabetes already before the diagnosis or even before the appearance of autoantibodies.Methods Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) was applied to study DNA methylation in purified CD4(+) T cell, CD8(+) T cell and CD4(-)CD8(-) cell fractions of 226 peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples longitudinally collected from seven type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control individuals matched for age, sex, HLA risk and place of birth. We also explored correlations between DNA methylation and gene expression using RNA sequencing data from the same samples. Technical validation of RRBS results was performed using pyrosequencing.Results We identified 79, 56 and 45 differentially methylated regions in CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells and CD4-CD8- cell fractions, respectively, between type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control participants. The analysis of pre-seroconversion samples identified DNA methylation signatures at the very early stage of disease, including differential methylation at the promoter of IRF5 in CD4(+) T cells. Further, we validated RRBS results using pyrosequencing at the following CpG sites: chr19:18118304 in the promoter of ARRDC2; chr21:47307815 in the intron of PCBP3; and chr14:81128398 in the intergenic region near TRAF3 in CD4(+) T cells.Conclusions/interpretation These preliminary results provide novel insights into cell type-specific differential epigenetic regulation of genes, which may contribute to type 1 diabetes pathogenesis at the very early stage of disease development. Should these findings be validated, they may serve as a potential signature useful for disease prediction and management.</p

    Rhinoviruses in infancy and risk of immunoglobulin E sensitization

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    Previous data about the role of viruses in the development of allergic immunoglobulin E (IgE) sensitization are contradictory. The aim of this study was to determine the possible associations between exposure to different viruses (rhinovirus, enterovirus, norovirus, and parechovirus) during the first year of life and IgE sensitization. Viruses were analyzed from stool samples collected monthly from infants participating in a prospective birth cohort study. From that study, 244 IgE sensitized case children and 244 nonsensitized control children were identified based on their allergen-specific IgE antibody levels at the age of 6, 18, and 36 months. Stool samples (n = 4576) from the case and control children were screened for the presence of rhinovirus, enterovirus, norovirus, and parechovirus RNA by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The study showed that rhinovirus was the most prevalent virus detected, present in 921 (20%) samples. None of the viruses were associated with IgE sensitization in the full cohort but after stratifying by sex, the number of rhinovirus positive samples was inversely associated with IgE sensitization in boys (odds ratio [OR]: 0.81; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.69-0.94; P = 0.006). There was also a temporal relation between rhinoviruses and IgE sensitization, as rhinovirus exposure during the first 6 months of life was associated with a reduced risk of subsequent IgE sensitization in boys (OR: 0.76; 95% CI: 0.6-0.94; P = 0.016). In conclusion, early exposure to rhinoviruses was inversely associated with IgE sensitization but this protective association was restricted to boys.Peer reviewe

    Early Detection of Peripheral Blood Cell Signature in Children Developing Beta-Cell Autoimmunity at a Young Age

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    The appearance of Type 1 diabetes (T1D)-associated autoantibodies is the first and only measurable parameter to predict progression toward T1D in genetically susceptible individuals. However, autoantibodies indicate an active autoimmune reaction, wherein the immune tolerance is already broken. Therefore, there is a clear and urgent need for new biomarkers that predict the onset of the autoimmune reaction preceding autoantibody positivity or reflect progressive beta-cell destruction. Here we report the mRNA-sequencing-based analysis of 306 samples including fractionated samples of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as CD4-CD8- cells fractions and unfractionated PBMC samples longitudinally collected from seven children that developed beta-cell autoimmunity (Cases) at a young age and their matched controls. We identified transcripts, including interleukin-32 (IL32) that were upregulated before T1D-associated autoantibodies appeared. Single-cell RNA-seq studies revealed that high IL32 in Case samples were contributed mainly by activated T cells and NK cells. Further, we showed that IL32 expression can be induced by a virus and cytokines in pancreatic islets and beta-cells, respectively. The results provide a basis for early detection of aberrations in the immune system function before T1D and suggest a potential role for IL32 in the pathogenesis of T1D.</p

    Tunnon merkitys käsien käytön kehittymiselle : käden käytön kehittyminen tunnonvaraisen hahmottamisen näkökulmasta

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    Tunnonvaraista hahmottamista tarvitaan kaikilla elämän osa-alueilla. Tunnonvarainen hahmottaminen on monimuotoinen, korkeatasoista sensorista integraatiota vaativa prosessi, jonka hallitsemiseksi tarvitaan tuntoaistimusten lisäksi aktiivista käsien käyttämistä, aistien välistä informaation siirtoa, sekä kognitiivisia ulottuvuuksia. Jotta ympäristöstä voidaan saada tarkoituksenmukaista informaatiota tunnustellen, täytyy olla kyky käyttää käsiä esineiden ominaisuuksien ja eroavaisuuksien havainnoimiseksi, sekä kyky muodostaa mielikuva tunnustellusta esineestä joko muistin tai esimerkiksi visuaalisen havainnon perusteella. Tunnonvaraiseen hahmottamiseen tarvitaan haptista tutkimista, jolla tarkoitetaan esineen käsittelemistä sekä muodon ja ominaisuuksien hahmottamista kosketuksen avulla. Alle kouluikäisen lapsen käsien käyttö on vielä pääasiassa passiivista, vaikkakin jo kolmevuotias voi motorisesti hallita tunnonvaraiseen hahmottamiseen tarvittavat käsien käytön strategiat. Näitä strategioita lapsi käyttää esineen tietyn ominaisuuden havainnoimiseen. Tavallisesti vasta noin kuusi-seitsemänvuotiaalla lapsella on kyky korkeatasoiseen haptiseen havaitsemistoimintaan, joka mahdollistaa toimimisen puhtaasti tunnonvaraisen hahmottamisen varassa. On tärkeää, että toimintaterapeutilla on selvä näkemys siitä, miten lapsen tunnustelutaidot kehittyvät, ja millaisia tunnonvaraiseen hahmottamiseen tarvittavia käsien käytön strategioita lapsen voidaan odottaa käyttävän missäkin kehityksen vaiheessa. Opinnäytetyö on toteutunut kehittämistyönä, jonka tarkoituksena oli tuottaa opas avuksi lasten kanssa toimiville toimintaterapeuteille, sekä alan opiskelijoille. Opas osoittaa taulukoin ja selkein kuvin kehitysvaiheet kohti taitavaa, aktiivista käsien käyttöä tunnonvaraisesti esineitä tunnistettaessa. Opas on helposti luettava ja kuvitettu selkein, värillisin kuvin. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys on koottu kirjallisuuteen ja tutkimuksiin perustuen, ja sen on tarkoitus tukea oppaan sisältöä. Teoreettinen viitekehys sisältää teoriatietoa tuntoaistin kehittymisestä, aistisäätelystä liittyen tunnonvaraiseen hahmottamiseen, motorisesta kehityksestä ja käsien käytöstä